Saturday, October 8, 2011

Watch out, iPhone 4S Fake Fooled!

Jakarta - Artificial iPhone 4S spread on the internet. Lower prices to sell product into mainstay abal-abal, particularly via online stores. Caution, not to be a victim!
Some analysts even predict that total $ 100 billion in sales of technology products from counterfeit goods.
Robert Auray, president & CEO of Genco Marketplace says that the launch of new products like the iPhone 4 to boost sales of counterfeit goods in many marketplace.
This is reinforced by the fact that a number of online stores in China have been selling new stuff that Apple has not been issued, namely the 'iPhone 5'.
One of the popular online stores in China, which has 370 million members, desperate to sell the iPhone 5 fake for 200 yuan (USD 31) or approximately USD 270 thousand.
Another fake goods being sold called 'HiPhone 5' or 'iiPhone 5'. Naming is deliberately spoofed in order to avoid charges that they sold counterfeit goods.
4S own iPhone will be released in the United States and six other countries in the next week. Theresa Mock, vice president of global marketing Opses Security said that the perpetrator intentionally sells its products close to the official product release.


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