Saturday, October 8, 2011

iPhone Singapore 4S Sign Late in October, Indonesia?

Jakarta - After strolling in the October 14 debut, Apple's latest gadget will subsequently visited 22 countries on 28 October. Well, one of the destination country is Singapore. While Indonesia? 

Quoted from Betanews, Friday (07/10/2011), pre-order the iPhone 4S will be opened for the first time on October 7 in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Britain and the United States (U.S.). A week later or more precisely on October 14, 4S new iPhone will be officially sold in those countries. 
Then the expansion of the iPhone is the latest series will continue in 22 other countries on October 28, 2011. 
Those who visited include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherland, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swedeia, Switzerland and do not miss our neighboring country, Singapore. 
Not specified price beraga detail in each country. But in the U.S., with a two-year contract, 4S capacity of 16 GB iPhone priced at $ 199, $ 299 32 GB and 64 GB $ 399. 
Then what about Indonesia? One of Apple resellers in the country, iBox, admits that they do not know the schedule of entry into Indonesia iPhone 4S. 
"We do not know. So far there is a new iPhone 4. Sold for USD 6 million for the 16 GB and $ 7 million to 32 GB," he told detikINET, Friday (10/07/2011). 
iPhone 4S is the result of an upgrade of the iPhone 4. Some things are amplified among others: the processor that Apple now uses the A5 (dual core), improved graphics capabilities and an 8MP camera with 1080p video capabilities. 
Beyond that, the most interesting part of Apple's announcement is simply a feature called Siri. It features voice command looks 'futuristic', as if the user is able to talk with the phone. 
But for now, Siri newly recognized several languages, including English, French and German. 
From the design side, the iPhone 4S identical to the iPhone 4. The difference that appears is the 'black line' around her body now numbering 4 (first 3). Black line indicates the position of the antenna on the iPhone 4S.


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