Saturday, October 8, 2011

IPhone 4S 200 Thousand Sold in 12 Hours

Counted, more than 200,000 iPhones 4S sold by AT & T within 12 hours. Told by the U.S. telecommunications giant, the total demand is incredible.
4S iPhone was launched on Tuesday and became the answer to the iPhone lovers waiting after waiting for more than 15 months. Reportedly, the U.S. telecommunications company AT & T, Verizon Wireless and Sprint have started online booking on Friday.
Although high-4S iPhone sales figures, but it seems he is still inferior to the previous version, the iPhone 4 which became the fastest selling mobile phone in Apple's history. At that time, he sold 1.7 million units in its first three days.

Some estimates will total 4S rampant iPhone sales, but some analysts predict Apple will sell around 27-28 million iPhones in the span of the month from October to December this year. Death of former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs touted to be one factor of the high demand for the iPhone 4S.

Quoted by Reuters on Saturday (10/08/2011), analysts said that many people who bought the iPhone 4S as a form of commemoration and memory of the figure of Steve Jobs. Apple's latest product output itself is scheduled to flood the market on 14 October.

5 Gadgets Apple's 'Change the World'

1. iPod
October 2001, changed the face of the music industry with the launch palm-sized gadget called the iPod. Box-shaped portable music device that has a central round-scroll-wheel and small screen to select songs.For the first time, the song can be added directly to the device from a computer. There has never been before digital music players. iPod also appeared as a fresh new products with the use that is not complicated. This product puts Apple as a player with a class of its own among other music devices.The first iPod with 5GB and 10GB capacity options capable of storing 1,000 songs. The second generation iPod was launched in 2002 with a touch-sensitive scroll wheel. Throughout 2002, 600 thousand units sold selling iPods in late 2003 and sales reached 2 million units.Apple's successful iPod sold 100 million units in April 2007, making it the fastest selling music device in history. Until now there are various versions of the iPod that Apple has released, among others, nano, shuffle and touch. More than 275 million iPods have been sold worldwide.
2. iTunesIn April 2003, almost simultaneously with the release of third-generation iPods, Apple launched its iTunes online music store that provides about 200 thousand songs.Before the emergence of iTunes, as quoted from the Telegraph, Friday (07/10/2011) executives in the music industry failed to convince the success of the online music market. But now the idea is mated with the iPod's success, Steve Jobs proves that this is a very valuable market to be explored.iTunes immediately scored success with selling one million songs in first week of release. Figures song downloads on iTunes continues to take off. In 2010, download songs on iTunes reached fantastic figures, 10 billion!In the process, iTunes several times renewed. The most significant is the introduction of the service to buy and rent movies in 2008. Apple also recently announced that iTunes is now accessible on all devices as part of the step switch to the cloud.

 3. iPhone The first iPhone was launched in January 2007. This gadget directly catapulted Apple's name among the rivals who gush smartphone with multi-touch screen. A year later, the iPhone 3G was released and the Apple AppStore app store was launched.July 2011, application downloads on the Apple AppStore reach 15 billion. While the iPhone was recorded up to now been successfully sold over 125 million units worldwide.The day before Steve Jobs dies, on Tuesday this week, Apple has just launched the iPhone 4S with additional voice-control feature named Siri. Again, Apple is promising features will revolutionize the way people use mobile phones.
4. Mac In front of thousands of delegates who was laughed at and doubted it was her idea, Jobs introduced the Macintosh computer - hereinafter known as the Mac - the first in January 1984. This device was originally a small white box shape in a bag and in its development, continues to evolve to become thin machine that we are seeing now.A year after introducing the first Mac computers, Jobs made a surprise return with his invention called the mouse. Mac computer itself continues to evolve into two types of Apple computers, the iMac and MacBook. Now there are nearly 60 million Mac users worldwide.
Here it is a gadget that was popular at the moment. iPad, which is touted as the hybrid between a Mac and the iPhone, first released in 2010. Although relatively still in the growth stage, the iPad has been some success.iPad so strongly accentuate its presence in markets where other tablet computers still looked doubtful. Other vendors arguably spend much of their time to find a way to beat Apple products on the market including the iPad.This device was soon functioning well as a digital book. Many of the publication of newspapers and magazines create applications that allow readers to enjoy their content in digital version. Many say, iPad slowly changing publishing industry.Until now, there have been two versions of the iPad was launched. A total of 28 million units have been sold well sold all over the world.

iPhone Singapore 4S Sign Late in October, Indonesia?

Jakarta - After strolling in the October 14 debut, Apple's latest gadget will subsequently visited 22 countries on 28 October. Well, one of the destination country is Singapore. While Indonesia? 

Quoted from Betanews, Friday (07/10/2011), pre-order the iPhone 4S will be opened for the first time on October 7 in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Britain and the United States (U.S.). A week later or more precisely on October 14, 4S new iPhone will be officially sold in those countries. 
Then the expansion of the iPhone is the latest series will continue in 22 other countries on October 28, 2011. 
Those who visited include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherland, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swedeia, Switzerland and do not miss our neighboring country, Singapore. 
Not specified price beraga detail in each country. But in the U.S., with a two-year contract, 4S capacity of 16 GB iPhone priced at $ 199, $ 299 32 GB and 64 GB $ 399. 
Then what about Indonesia? One of Apple resellers in the country, iBox, admits that they do not know the schedule of entry into Indonesia iPhone 4S. 
"We do not know. So far there is a new iPhone 4. Sold for USD 6 million for the 16 GB and $ 7 million to 32 GB," he told detikINET, Friday (10/07/2011). 
iPhone 4S is the result of an upgrade of the iPhone 4. Some things are amplified among others: the processor that Apple now uses the A5 (dual core), improved graphics capabilities and an 8MP camera with 1080p video capabilities. 
Beyond that, the most interesting part of Apple's announcement is simply a feature called Siri. It features voice command looks 'futuristic', as if the user is able to talk with the phone. 
But for now, Siri newly recognized several languages, including English, French and German. 
From the design side, the iPhone 4S identical to the iPhone 4. The difference that appears is the 'black line' around her body now numbering 4 (first 3). Black line indicates the position of the antenna on the iPhone 4S.

Watch out, iPhone 4S Fake Fooled!

Jakarta - Artificial iPhone 4S spread on the internet. Lower prices to sell product into mainstay abal-abal, particularly via online stores. Caution, not to be a victim!
Some analysts even predict that total $ 100 billion in sales of technology products from counterfeit goods.
Robert Auray, president & CEO of Genco Marketplace says that the launch of new products like the iPhone 4 to boost sales of counterfeit goods in many marketplace.
This is reinforced by the fact that a number of online stores in China have been selling new stuff that Apple has not been issued, namely the 'iPhone 5'.
One of the popular online stores in China, which has 370 million members, desperate to sell the iPhone 5 fake for 200 yuan (USD 31) or approximately USD 270 thousand.
Another fake goods being sold called 'HiPhone 5' or 'iiPhone 5'. Naming is deliberately spoofed in order to avoid charges that they sold counterfeit goods.
4S own iPhone will be released in the United States and six other countries in the next week. Theresa Mock, vice president of global marketing Opses Security said that the perpetrator intentionally sells its products close to the official product release.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Samsung Star II

Samsung optimistic champion their tergress - Star II - to become a new star in the universe mobile world. South Korean vendors are bragging able to spoil the user who likes to explore social media.JK Shin, President and Head of Samsung Mobile Communications Business, saidthe Star II is expected to continue the success of the previous product, Star. Becausethe 'brother' is claimed to successfully enchant the world with sales reaching 30million units.

"Special Star II, we have brought a full-touch device that could increase demand forusers of social networking services," he said, quoted from Cellular News, on Wednesday (19/01/2011)."With the Samsung Star II, we strive to integrate social media capabilities, and givesusers the option to stay connected with the closest people,"said Shin.
Yes, Star II, it can be said as a mobile social media. Because, Samsung boasted thatusers will be accommodated to interact cross-platform social media from theirhandsets.
Samsung Star II or have the S5260 is the official name of the physical changes but its features are not much different from earlier versions of the Star. As decorated with 3-inch capacitive touch screen, media player, Wi-Fi, TouchWiz UI, FM radio, 3.2 megapixel camera and MicroSD slot.
That said, the design of the handset interface TouchWiz UI is similar to theappearance of an operating system made by Samsung, Bada. So the user canexpect Samsung Star II interface is more attractive than its predecessor.
The phone will be available in February in Germany and the Netherlands with 125Euro price tag. After that new possibilities will be marketed in various parts of the world such as Latin American markets, India, to Asia