Friday, February 3, 2012

Android.Counterclank Really Dangerous?

Symantec categorizes Android.Counterclank as malware that warrant concern, but Lookout Security actually thought it was just a new platform for advertisers.

Through the Symantec official blog reveals the findings of their latest malware called Android.Counterclank. The program was found to slip in the 13 outstanding applications in the Android Market.

In contrast to Symantec, Lookout Mobile Security antivirus program that also considers Android.Counterclank penggelut malware is not what it says Symantec, but only a new platform to sell advertising.

"Until now it (counterclank-red) is more visible as a means of advertising a little out of line privacy, instead of harmful malware. But it must still be considered and we will try to find solutions," wrote Lookout.

Well, a difference of opinion that the antivirus vendors would confuse the users of Android. So what does Android.Counterclank it dangerous?

Although the vendors are different views, but both have now agreed that Android.Counterclank can not be categorized as malware in general. Still, the existence must be aware of.

Because, Android.Counterclank not only violates privacy boundaries, but also forces the user to refer to a particular site and displays a notification that is very disturbing.

Quoted from PCMag, Saturday (04/02/2012), although not yet Counterclank variants of malware can change the browser home page and add the bookmark without the knowledge of mobile phone owners.


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