Sunday, December 25, 2011

Google Share phone for Christmas Gifts

Google workers won't bite the finger albeit they received no money bonus that is sometimes divided over the Christmas holidays. as a result of instead, they got a surprise gift within the type of the G1 smartphone that think about Google's Android operating system.
Christmas gifts within the type of Android phones this appears irresistible. however the $64000 worth is lower compared with the standard bonus cash received by workers of Google within the vacation season that ranges thousands of bucks.
Apparently, the replacement of a Christmas gift of money into the phone isn't while not purpose. this can be included in Google's savings methods associated with international economic crises.
Google announced it via an enclosed e-mail sent to the employees. Stated in an e-mail that Google would continue the tradition of vacation bonus, however this point during a totally different approach.
Quoted from TheTelecoms, Thursday (25/12/2008), Google began distributing G1 smartphone on its employees round the world since December nineteen.
As for the Google workers in countries that don't support the G1, are given cash by an quantity equal to the value of the HTC-made phone vendors.


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