Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 – Enjoy Authoring and Testing Support for WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal

 A great part of innovations included in Adobe CS5 is designed to make workflows of creative professionals smoother and more productive. One of such features intended to facilitate Web development is integrated support for content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal in Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
Emergence of WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and other content management frameworks has greatly changed the way many Web sites are created and managed. One of the most powerful features of the CMS frameworks is the ability to create separate page elements such as headers, footers and side toolbars and then assemble them to build the pages.
As one of the leading web development applications Adobe Dreamweaver provides all necessary tools for creation and editing templates and themes for WordPress, Joomla!, or Drupal, but only after release of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 this application has become really convenient for work with CMS frameworks. Before CS5 was released Dreamweaver allowed creation of separate Web page elements, but it was unable to provide a clear picture of what the web pages would look like. Also earlier versions of Dreamweaver couldn’t identify and establish the relationship between the pages and their dependant files. This made finding what file you needed to edit while making a specific change tedious and potentially errorprone. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 addresses these issues making edditing WordPress, Joomla!, or Drupal based Web sites much more comfortable.
Watch the video created by James Williamson, a senior author for lynda.com, to see these new Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 capabilities.
source http://cs5.org/?p=1373#more-1373 


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